Symmetrical Group

Policies and Procedures


SG-PR-33-01 Fatigue Management

1.0  Introduction

Fatigue is a physical condition that can result when an individual’s physical or mental limits are reached.  Fatigue can be associated with physical exertion, mental exertion or inadequate or disturbed sleep. Managing fatigue is one of the components of an overall approach to fitness for work. 

Symmetrical Group is committed to providing a safe working environment for all staff by eliminating conditions and work practices that would lead to illness, personal injury, equipment or other property damage. Everybody at Symmetrical Group has a statutory responsibility to present themselves for work in a fit and healthy state. Managing fatigue is part of this responsibility.

2.0 Purpose

This policy aims to provide an overview of Symmetrical Group’s strategy for controlling the occupational risks associated with fatigue.  In doing so, it follows a risk-based approach to dealing with fatigue issues and clearly articulates management and employee accountabilities associated with the management of fatigue. 

3.0 Scope

This Policy applies to all persons entering Symmetrical Group operations, workplaces or any other area for which Symmetrical Group has accountability.  The term “persons” includes all staff, award employees, contractors and visitors. The application of this Policy is subject to Symmetrical Group People Systems, such as the Fair Treatment System, and should not be interpreted as altering these Systems or affecting the discretionary powers of management.

4.0  Aims & Objectives

The objectives of this policy are to ensure:

1. Employees understand the need to be fit for work.

2. The maintenance of a safe working environment and operations by minimising hazards associated with fatigue.

3. Assistance through a range of preventative initiatives is offered including education and training strategies that help manage fatigue and related issues.

4. Symmetrical Group meets it’s obligations to its employees, contractors and the general community by carrying out its operations safety.

5. Informed decisions are made in relation to the design of rosters and operating standards;

6. Ongoing risk assessment and hazard monitoring takes place.

7. Employees who are deemed consistently unfit for work as a result of fatigue are dealt with consistently

5.0 Legal Requirements

Symmetrical Group and its management are required to do everything practicable to ensure that the workplace is safe and free from hazards, including as far as possible to ensure that employees are fit for work and not adversely affected by such issues as fatigue.  

All employees are required to take reasonable steps to ensure their own and others health and safety at work by being fit for work and working safely. They must report any situation or behaviour that could be prejudicial to safety.

6.0  Standards

The following general standards apply to all work patterns and types of work roles at Symmetrical Group :

a) Employees should get at least 8 hours sleep in any 24 hour period before any work shift.

b) During the change over period between a day work period and a night work period, employees should get at least 8 hours sleep / quality rest in the 12 hours prior to the work period.

c) Employees shall not be permitted to work for more than 14 hours continuously unless authorised by their manager.

d) Unless extenuating circumstances exist employees will have a break of at least 10 hours between rostered shifts.

e) Employees shall not be permitted to work more than 14 consecutive shifts without a 24-hour break unless authorised by their manager.

7.0  Fatigue Management

Shift rosters have been designed to ensure ample recovery time.  Employees are accountable for using this time in a responsible manner.  Specifically they are expected to:

• Present for work after days off in an adequately rested condition

• Manage the schedule of his/her activities outside working time to ensure that the required amount of sleep is taken to ensure fitness for duty Consult with Doctor regarding the effect of prescription medication on fatigue and report back to their Superintendent with the Doctor’s recommendations.


An employee will be formally coached and/or managed where they are:

• Not managing to get adequate sleep or rest

• Consistently reporting that they are impaired as a result of fatigue and cannot complete the work of their role

Symmetrical Group recognises that there will be times when people get fatigues as a result of life events (such as illness of a family member or bereavement). It is explicitly not the purpose of this policy to provide for disciplinary action in these circumstances.

8.0  Identification and Management of Fatigue Issues

8.1  Fatigue Identified by Employee

Where an individual identifies that they are experiencing mental or physical fatigue, they should report this to their immediate Supervisor.  The Supervisor will then make an assessment of the individual’s fitness for work and advise the appropriate action.  This may include assigning the individual to alternative work (e.g. non-safety critical tasks) or arranging for them to be taken home.   In the case of an employee being sent home from work, no leave penalties will apply.  Where an individual calls from home prior to commencement of a shift and advises their Supervisor that they are not fit for work and will not be attending, that day will be recorded as a sick day.

8.2  Fatigue Identified by Colleague or Peer

Where an individual has reason to believe that one of their colleagues is suffering from fatigue, they should inform that person of their observations in an objective manner.  It is then up to that individual to assess their fitness for work and if necessary, inform their Supervisor or manager that they are not fit for work so that the necessary action can be taken.

8.3 Fatigue Identified through Incident Investigation

In the case of fatigue being identified as a contributing factor for an incident, the root cause of the fatigue issue must be identified and action taken to prevent its recurrence.

Date published: 25/07/2013

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* -25/07/2013 12:27:06 PM