Symmetrical Group

Policies and Procedures


SG-PR-33-10 Job Hazard Analysis

1. Overview

The Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is a key element for Hazard/Risk Identification Assessment and Control.  The Job JHA is a formal documented method to record a work practice by;

An effective JHA is achieved by:

An essential element in preparing a JHA is the involvement of the workforce required to undertake the task in identification and control of hazards and risks associated with the job.

2. Methods

There are three methods of undertaking a JHA:

2.1. Direct Observation

This is used where repetitive and frequently carried out jobs occur.  This is suited to short duration activities.

The Observer (Supervisor or suitable employee) observes and discusses job steps, hazards and solutions with employees carrying out the work.

2.2. Key Points

The Observer should;

2.3. Group Discussion

Used in pre-planning the safe execution of larger jobs, e.g. working within an operational plant.  This process is best led by a supervisory employee or experienced JHA author.

The Group Discussion Method team selection will involve:

2.4. Recall and Check Method

The Supervisor or JHA trained employee prepares a preliminary JHA based on their knowledge of the job and checks this by discussing with employee(s) who have previously completed the same work.


3. Job Hazard Analysis Steps

3.1. Review Conceptual Hazard/Risk Assessment Register

Reviewing the Conceptual Hazard / Risk Assessment Register of project activities provides the Supervisor with information as the basis for compiling the priority Job Hazard Analysis activities.

3.2 JHA Work Team

The Symmetrical Group Supervisor or Manager is responsible to ensure all personal they are responsible for are aware of JHA requirements.  In addition to providing copies of all JHA’s to their team which shall include the following;

This team shall review the following:

This work team shall review the scope of work, identify and analyse the hazards and risks and define control strategies to minimise adverse outcomes.

3.3. Work Task Steps

Having selected the job to be analysed, the next step is to break it down into basic task steps.  This permits a systematic critical examination of each part of the job for hazards and potential incidents.

Any job, no matter how complex, can be broken down into a series of basic task steps.  Some jobs may involve only a small number of task steps.

The job should be broken down in such a way that the task steps are an accurate description and in sequential order.

       Key Points for identifying task steps:

3.4. Task Step Hazards/Risks

After the job has been broken down into task steps, identify the associated hazards and potential risks to personnel, plant, equipment or the environment.  The objective is to identify all hazards and risks including any potential hazards or risks associated with the following:

3.5. Control Strategies

Having determined the hazards and risks associated with the task steps, control strategies must be put in place to eliminate where possible or minimise any adverse outcomes.

When considering control strategies it is important that the hierarchy of control is utilised.  This consists of:

3.6. Recording Information

All JHA’s shall be recorded on the appropriate documentation, in addition to a copy being issued to the Client representative, the JHA will be filed by Symmetrical Group in an indexed register for reference and audit purposes.

3.7. Approval

The responsible Symmetrical Group Supervisor, Manager or Employee shall approve all JHA’s prior to commencing the work task. The Client shall be consulted by the responsible Symmetrical Group person where deemed necessary prior to approval.

3.8. Action Plans  (where applicable)

Following the completion of an extensive JHA, an Action Plan may be compiled and attached to the JHA which will detail any specific items that require action any by whom and in what time frame.  An example of this would be obtaining a work permit.

3.9. Communication

A copy of the completed JHA (and Action Plan when required) shall be maintained at the actual work site.  The Supervisor shall communicate the information contained in the JHA to all personnel who are required to carry out the task covered by the JHA.  In addition where a JHA indicates a possibility of safety concerns being raised by other personnel in the vicinity the JHA information shall be discussed with these personnel at a pre-start meeting.

4. Change Control

4.1        Change Factors

Where work scope or sequence changes or any additional hazards are recognised during the execution of the activity, work should be stopped to reassess the validity of the JHA.  The Supervisor is required to investigate the additional hazard and implement adequate control methods.  This additional information shall then be recorded on the JHA and communicated to all personnel carrying out the task and any other persons deemed necessary under this procedure.

4.2        Review and Improvement

Following the completion of the work activity the JHA shall be reviewed by the Supervisor and work team and any other relevant information recorded on the JHA.  The completed document shall be forwarded to SYMMETRICAL GROUP and the Contractor / Subcontractor Supervisor for filing in the JHA Register.

5. JHA Register

A JHA Register should be used to assist in the retrieval and cross-referencing of the JHA records.  Where large numbers of JHA records are expected, an electronic register/database should be utilised.

Symmetrical Group shall ensure that JHA worksheets are adequately documented and filed within (either manually or electronically maintained) project filing system.  Filing is to be controlled by a nominated Supervisor or Project Engineer.

6.0 Forms Relevant to this Procedure

F-S-02 JHA Template

Date published: 25/07/2013

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* -25/07/2013 12:27:06 PM